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HPSS Research Advisory Committee meeting

Mr Tumainieli Macha from MoHCDEC was appointed chairperson and Dr Ntuli Kapologwe from PORALG co-chaired the first RAC meeting.

The RAC is composed of five members from government and academic institutions, including Mr. Tumainieli Macha, Dr Ntuli Kapologwe, Dr Stephen Kibusi, Dr Geoffrey Kiangi and Dr Augustin Kuwawenaruwa. The meeting was also attended by SDC and HPSS team members from Basle and Dodoma. Eight concept notes were discussed and endorsed. Preparation of the implementation of the planned research is ongoing.

Terms of Reference for the HPSS Research Advisory Committee


The Research Advisory Committee (RAC) is composed of representatives from the following entities:

  • Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC),

  • President’s Office – Regional Administration & Local Government (PORALG),

  • University of Dodoma (UDOM),

  • Ifakara Health Institute (IHI),

  • St. John’s University Tanzania (SJUT)


The Health Promotion and Systems Strengthening (HPSS) acts as the RAC Secretariat

Overarching purpose

To ensure that evidence is generated that i) further optimizes and validates HPSS interventions that are integrated into existing government processes; and that ii) are in line with priorities identified by MoHCDGEC and PORALG.

Expected outcomes

  1. Operations research concept notes, conducted in the frame of the HPSS Project in its exit phase, are being timely reviewed and coordinated with relevant stakeholders.

  2. Owing to a high relevance and quality of resulting proposals, including appropriate ethical standards, research projects are entering the ethical approval track by the relevant authorities in Tanzania with a smaller risk of rejection or delay. Moreover, the ethics approval process is more streamlined and research activities progress reports are being produced and submitted to the same authorities as required.

  3. Operations research reviewed by the RAC is being conducted at a high level of quality and is translated into dissemination products (e.g. policy brief, scientific publications) to inform policy discussions.

  4. Lessons learnt from HPSS exit-phase operations research are being translated into communication products (e.g. films, business cases) to reach a wider audience and increase the visibility of the Swiss contribution


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